Constable (Police Officer)
Job Description
Police Officers have a responsibility to protect public life and property. Police officers enforce the law by arresting criminals and detecting and preventing crimes. They undertake extensive on-the-job training and perform a diverse range of duties, including maintaining public order and safety; being the first responder to emergency calls; investigating and prosecuting criminal offences; enforcing traffic law; securing and examining crime scenes; and dealing with violent offenders or people under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The role is varied and focuses on leadership, decision-making, customer service, risk management and public safety.
Some of the things you will be involved with include:
- Domestic dispute issues
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Armed robberies
- Stealing offences
- Assaults
- Deceased persons
- Patrolling and high visibility policing
Police Officers work in a front desk setting, on the road and throughout the community, undertaking patrols and responding to radio calls. They also work in varying conditions and diverse locations, assisting with planned operations and supporting ad hoc incidents and natural disasters (floods and bushfires). They apprehend offenders for various crimes, from minor traffic infringements to serious charges and indictable offences. Police Officers gather information, make notes, interview victims, witnesses and offenders, and take statements. They prepare and present evidence and give evidence in person in court proceedings when required. They perform administrative duties in support of operational tasks; prepare forms, correspondence, reports, briefs of evidence and statements and update Police databases.

All Australian Police Officers must hold Australian citizenship or permanent residency and must also pass an extensive application process including background checks, examinations and a series of health, fitness, and psychological tests.
NSW Police applicants are required to attend Charles Sturt University for a period of six months, then after graduation, fulfill one year as a Probationery Constable. Recruits at the academy can nominate five (5) preferred locations for placement. NSW Police endeavor to employ officers at the preferred location, but the NSWPF must first meet operational field requirements, which will influence final placement. Officers should be prepared to work anywhere within NSW.
As a Probationary Constable, you will be partnered with a Field Training and Assessment Officer (FTAO) for the first couple of months. The FTAO will be your guide and assist you through everyday tasks. An FTAO has undertaken a specific training course and is aware of the study requirements of Probationary Constables. Your ongoing training will be monitored by a local Education Development Officer (EDO) who assists with all aspects of your work and study.
Progression into Constable and other senior or specialised roles usually come about through a formal qualification and merit is based on practical experience and appointment to specialist training courses conducted by NSW Police.
The rank of Senior Constable is only available to a Police Officer (Constable) who has served a certain number of years in the Police Force.

- Assertive
- Calm
- Civility
- Common Sense
- Communicator
- Emotional Intelligence
- Ethical
- Honest
- Interpersonal
- Initiative
- Maturity
- Open-minded
- Resilient
- Respect and Knowledge of Laws
- Responsible
- Secure

Key Skills
- Be flexible, show initiative and respond quickly when situations change
- Keep control of own emotions and stay calm under pressure and in challenging situations
- Model the highest standards of ethical behaviour
- Act on reported breaches of rules, policies and guidelines
- Show commitment to achieving challenging goals
- Adapt well in diverse environments
- Tailor communication to the audience
- Clearly explain complex concepts and arguments to individuals and groups
- Monitor own and others’ non-verbal cues and adapt where necessary
- Write fluently in a range of styles and formats
- Identify and respond quickly to customer needs, working towards mutually satisfactory outcomes
- Complete own work tasks under guidance, within set budgets, timeframes and standards
- Research and analyse information and make recommendations based on relevant evidence
- Be willing to seek out input from others and share own ideas to achieve best outcomes
- Take responsibility and be accountable for own actions
- Understand delegations and act within authority levels
- Identify and follow safe work practices, and be vigilant about their application by self and others
- Be alert to risks that might impact the completion of an activity and escalate these when identified
- Apply practical skills in the use of relevant technology
- Make effective use of records, information and knowledge management functions and systems

Future Prospects
After completion of your initial three year tenure, you might be eligible to make a lateral move into a specialty post, such as a Dog Unit, PolAir, or the Rescue and Bomb Disposal Unit where you can work as a Detective, Training Officer, a member of the Marine Area Command, or many other specialised positions.
Transferable skills can be utilised in specialist roles within NSW Police such as;
- Aviation Command (PolAir)
- Bicycle Unit
- Dog Unit
- Detective
- Forensic Investigator - Evidence & Technical Services Command (FE&TSC)
- Highway Patrol Officer
- Marine Area Command (MAC)
- Mounted Police Unit
- Police Transport Command (PTC)
- Public Order Riot Squad (PORS)
- Rescue & Bomb Disposal Unit (RBDU)
- Tactical Operations Unit (TOU) and Negotiation Unit
You may like to think about advancing in this career, moving into senior roles such as;
- Commissioner
- Deputy Commissioner
- Assistant Commissioner
- Chief Superintendant
- Superintendant
- Chief Inspector
- Inspector
- Chaplain
- Senior Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Leading Senior Constable
- Senior Constable
- Constable
- Probationary Constable
Transferable skills which can be used in positions following a career in NSW Police.
Former NSW Police officers have transitioned into a range of roles including TAFE facilitator, Client Services Officer, Analyst, Investigator, Compliance Manager, Truck Driver, Fire Fighter, Crime Prevention Manager, Correctional Officer, Account Manager, Security Manager, Consultant, Safety Training Facilitator, Trainer & Assessor, Aged Care Coordinator, Area Coordinator and Managers in a variety of sectors.