Job Description
A concierge assists hotel guests to ensure an enjoyable stay by assisting them with booking dining and entertainment reservations and arranging shuttle or taxi services. A concierge will also offer recommendations on things to do in the area, places to eat, and other suggestions as requested.
Careers Ladder

A university degree is not typically required to obtain a position as a concierge, but most employers require concierges to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Although not required, an associate’s degree in business, administration or hospitality can be beneficial should you wish to advance your career.

- Approachable
- Communicator
- Competent
- Friendly
- Intuitive
- People-person
- Polite
- Problem Solving
- Resourceful
- Versatile
- Welcoming

Key Skills
- Customer Service
- Reservations
- Facilitation
- Time Management
- Technical Skills

Future Prospects
You may like to think about moving on from this career, some transferable skills can be utilised in roles such as;