Postal Driver
Job Description
Postal Drivers or Posties are one of the most iconic and essential parts of mail service deliveries. They’re on the front line providing excellent customer service in a tight timeframe. They are responsible for collecting and delivering mail to homes and businesses in cities, towns, and rural areas. They travel planned routes, collecting and delivering mail, obtaining signatures, and answering customer questions about postal regulations and services.
Careers Ladder

Formal qualifications are not usually required to become a Delivery Driver in Australia, as on-the-job training is generally provided. However, if you wish to drive heavy vehicles you’ll need to ensure you have the appropriate drivers licence.
Decide what kind of deliveries you want to make and the sort of vehicle you want to drive. Explore opportunities to become a Delivery Driver through a traineeship. While entry requirements vary, employers usually require that you have successfully completed of Year 10.
If you want to upgrade to drive Light Rigid (LR), Medium Rigid (MR) or Heavy Rigid (HR) vehicles, you may need to attend a heavy vehicle driving school and sit an assessment.

- Customer Orientated
- Initiative
- Procedural
- Organised
- Team Player

Key Skills
- Multi-drop Driving
- Great Driving Record
- Strict Deadlines
- Basic Numerical Skills
- Presentable

Future Prospects
You may like to think about moving on from this career, some transferable skills can be utilised in roles such as;