Human Resources
Job Description
Human Resource Professionals plan, develop, implement and evaluate staff recruitment, assist in resolving disputes by advising on workplace matters, and represent industrial, commercial, union, employer and other parties in negotiations on issues such as enterprise bargaining, rates of pay and conditions of employment.
Careers Ladder

To work in Human Resources formal qualifications are needed. Extensive knowledge of workplace health and safety, procedures, privacy, legislation, recruitment and mediation is required. This could be a bachelor or diploma-level qualification. Below are some courses to consider.
- Qualification in human resource management
- Diploma in Human Resources Management
If you wish to undertake further study, you might consider completing an
- Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)
- Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Graduate Diploma of Business (Industrial Relations and Human Resources)
In addition gaining work experience is a great way to accompany your studies. You may choose, for example, to do a traineeship in the HR department of a company, take on an administrative support role in an HR department or do volunteer HR work at a not for profit organisation.

- Acumen
- Approachable
- Calm
- Communicator
- Devoted
- Discerning
- Efficient
- Focused
- Integrity
- Interpersonal
- Organised
- Perceptive
- Procedural
- Reliable
- Thorough

Key Skills
- Employee Relation
- Recruitment and selection
- Training and development
- Contracts of employment
- Employee Rights
- Appraisals
- Health and safety
- Managing pay (and other entitlements) like sick and holiday leave
- Negotiating pay and conditions

Future Prospects
Future prospects in HR (Human Resources) include but are not limited to;
- Human Resource Advisors
- Recruitment Consultants
- Workplace Relations Advisers
- Human Resource Clerks
- Human Resource Manager
- Human Resources Coordinator
- Human Resources Manager
- Human Resources Officer/Administrator